Friday, June 8, 2007

Above the Fold

This was a surprise--there was a photo of me sitting in my Alpacka raft on the front page of the Fairbanks Daily News Miner--and it was above the fold! My pic was even bigger than the one of Governor Palin...although she is quite a bit hotter than me so a smaller shot of her still grabs a readers attention much more. There was a really good article about the Hot Springs adventure race in the outdoors section today. Here is a link to the article on the Anchorage Daily News website. The Fairbanks paper requires you to login to the page. There isn't too much info about Ned, Andy and I but there are some good stories from the other racers.

A couple of Ned's pics made it into the Outdoors section. A lot of the other guys were going super ultralight and didn't carry a camera or even have much time to stop and soak up the scenery.

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